Use "had a fever|have a fever" in a sentence

1. She had a very high fever.

2. Do you have a fever?

3. German: ·Afebrile (without a fever, having no fever)··Afebrile (having no fever, without a fever)

4. He had a raging fever all night.

5. I had a fever Accompanied with headache

6. I think I have a fever.

7. I have a bit of a fever.

8. You must have had terrible hallucinations from the fever.

9. Another has had rheumatic fever.

10. Everyone gets cranky when they have a fever .

11. The child had such a fever he nearly died.

12. The baby had a high fever and was dehydrated.

13. Yellow fever vaccine is a vaccine that protects against yellow fever.

14. He was comatose and had a severe fever and tachycardia.

15. War fever had reached new heights.

16. I had lost most of my hair and had a high fever.

17. He has a fever.

18. Adenoiditis - amygdalitis - anthracosis - Bituminosis - brucellosis - dengue fever - dry pleurisy - dumdum fever - famine fever - hong kong flu - hydrophobia - parrot fever - pharyngitis - psittacosis - rabbit fever - strep throat - the sniffles - the snuffles - trench fever - trench mouth - typhus fever - wet pleurisy - …

19. Synonyms for Ague include fever, malaria, miasma, miasm, paludism, jungle fever, fever and Ague, malarial fever, feverishness and affection

20. One of them had double pneumonia. he had a high fever and vertigo.

21. Moreover, I occasionally had a moderate fever for a number of days.

22. Every two months I had glandular fever.

23. Tomorrow the pus will run and you'll have a fever.

24. It also helps induce a sweat if you have a fever .

25. He has a high fever.

26. We have fever in the house.

27. You're running a slight fever.

28. Their baby gets a fever.

29. Coughs with a low-grade fever are often from a cold , but a higher fever may mean pneumonia .

30. Speculation about his future had reached fever pitch .

31. He didn't have meningitis, or scarlet fever.

32. As she had a high fever , she asked for leave of absence.

33. If you have a fever you should drink plenty of fluid.

34. You have Been fever-free for more than 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications

35. Arthur then runs a high fever.

36. My son's contracted a severe fever.

37. She has contracted a severe fever.

38. Lassa fever causes hemorrhagic fever frequently shown by immunosuppression.

39. Cedar fever is a seasonal allergy

40. Feed a clod and starve a fever.

41. Marsh fever.

42. Excitement grew to a fever pitch.

43. Scarlet fever is a contagious disease.

44. How to Treat a Mild Fever

45. The fever...

46. And she had scarlet fever, but she never complained.

47. Adenovirus types 3 and 7 cause a distinct syndrome of conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, and fever (pharyngoconjunctival fever)

48. 13 Intern: Did you ever have rheumatic or fever as a child?

49. The smash hit Curve Fever is back with a new multiplayer browser game: Curve Fever Pro

50. Does of children easy head cold have a fever how should do?

51. Walker had been consuming news space like a movie star in a fever of insecurity.

52. He infects everyone like a putrid fever.

53. Look like you're running you a fever.

54. Fever is a symptom of many illnesses.

55. Whole societies seem to have caught gambling fever.

56. The doctor put a thermometer in my mouth to see if I had a fever.

57. 5 : Not sweating a fever in a newborn

58. Feed a cold and starve a fever. 

59. What does Antepyretic mean? Preceding a fever

60. He's got a headache and a slight fever.

61. Kantmiss fever is causing a serious problem.

62. Scarlet fever victims had to go to the isolation hospital.

63. He had a fever last night, but he seems to be over it now.

64. What temperature is Considered a fever? Technically, the CDC defines a fever as having a temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater

65. A fever can easily dehydrate the body.

66. A person with a cold will not usually have a headache, fever or muscle aches.

67. The normally tranquil town of Reading had caught murder fever.

68. Malignant catarrhal fever

69. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a zoonotic disease transmitted by ticks and characterized by fever and hemorrhage

70. They have lost their only son through scarlet fever.

71. Recently, however, others, such as yellow fever and dengue, have made a comeback.

72. 1 Feed a cold and starve a fever. 

73. A fever can easily dehighdrery dehydrate the body.

74. Mary was quarantined for several weeks when she had scarlet fever.

75. One patient was delirious with a high fever.

76. It's the fever again.

77. James was quarantined for three weeks when he had scarlet fever.

78. Does the person have a fever in the cold why is level always befuddled?

79. She will have to give her something for the fever.

80. His fever' s broken